Contact Us

Contact Us2025-03-04T19:23:41+00:00

Have a product or service inquiry? Call us, drop by or send us a note on our web contact form below.

Where to Find Us

Mount Pearl, NL

126 Glencoe Drive
Donovan’s Business Park
Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4S9

Phone: (709) 722-5690
Toll Free: (800) 563-9595

Dartmouth, NS

21 Frazee Avenue
Burnside Industrial Park
Dartmouth, NS B3B 1Z4

Phone: (902) 468-1955
Toll Free: (800) 567-1955

Antigonish, NS

4630 Highway #7 Salt Springs
Antigonish County, NS B2G 2L3

Phone: (902) 867-1200
Toll Free: (866) 867-1200

Moncton, NB

795 Main Street, Suite #300
Moncton, NB E1C 1E9

Phone: (506)431.1955

For other locations across Canada:


Get Started with K&D Pratt Today

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long has K&D Pratt been in business?2022-08-24T15:19:28+00:00

    K&D Pratt has been in business for over 100 years!  We started in the fire safety business in 1922 and have evolved into a multi-industry solutions company that offers value-added product and service solutions across 6 distinct business units.

    What are your operating hours?2022-08-24T15:19:28+00:00

    In Newfoundland and Labrador, our regular operating hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. In the Maritime provinces, our regular operating hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. If you have an after hours need for one of our Technical Services or Instrumentation technicians, we have someone on call 24/7, 365 days a year. Reach out here.

    What is an MSA Demonstration and why should I book one?2022-07-21T14:58:31+00:00

    If you are part of a municipal fire department, an industrial fire department or if you are part of an emergency response team and require a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) for you or your team members, schedule a demonstration with us today! Our Life Safety experts will be glad to arrange an MSA demonstration highlighting our integrated and enhanced solutions to exceed your needs today as well as years into the future.

    What size businesses do you work with?2022-08-24T15:19:29+00:00

    We work with small, medium and large sized businesses. From mom-and-pop sized restaurants to large multinational companies… K&D Pratt has a long history of working with customers of all sizes in the following industries:

    • Contracting
    • Government
    • Health and Safety
    • Industrial
    • Marine
    • Manufacturing
    • Mining
    • Municipal
    • Offshore
    • Oil and Gas
    • Transportation
    • Utility
    I’m overwhelmed by the options; how do I find the right product for my application?2022-08-24T15:19:29+00:00

    Contact us to talk to a team member at one of our locations. They will guide you through the process!

    Know who you need to contact?

    Connect directly with one of our business unit representatives.

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